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History And Development of Computers

Computer is a device to process the data according to commands that have an existing formula of its own. The word computer was initially used to describe people who occupation perform arithmetic calculations, with or without a tool, but the meaning of this word later changed to the device itself. Origin, the processing of information is closely connected with arithmetic problems, but in fact the modern computer were used to a lot of work / tasks unrelated to mathematics.

In general, the computer interpreted as an electronic device that consists of several components, which work together between the components with one another to produce an information based on existing programs and data.

The components of the computer itself consists of:
  • Screen Monitor,
  • CPU,
  • Keyboard,
  • Mouse
  • and Printer (considered as a supplement). Due to a printer without a computer can still perform his duties as a data processor, but only displayed and can be viewed on the screen / monitor is not in print or on the move to paper
In such a definition have a tool like a slide rule, mechanical calculator similar yaiut ranging from abacus and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers today. The term is more appropriate than the word "computer" is "that process information" or "information processing systems." 

Now, computers are getting really sophisticated. However, before the computer is not as small, sophisticated, cool and light as now. In the history of computers, there are 5 generations of computer history.


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