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Specification and Price Nokia 500

SPECIFICATION And Price of Nokia 500

The price for Nokia 500 is Rp. 1975 million. Nokia 500 already supports 3G and already have a WiFi network. Nokia Networks is complete:

Nokia 500 use Symbian Anna had just the numbers 1 GHz clock speed. It was already the fastest in its class. Indeed Nokia 500 can perform these functions Anna better than its predecessor.

Nokia 500 has a longitudinal dimension. So that its width is very comfortable in hand. The dominance of plastic material makes it look like a cheap phone. Luckily the use of plastic thick enough. It still feels sturdy impression. screen uses a glossy black frame so get ready to always clean the fingerprints.

Plastic casing made somewhat curved matte finish makes it quite gripping, so it does not have to worry about regardless of the hand grip. 3 bundled with a free additional rear casing making the user can change the look of the if bored come. That is the color Blue, Red and Black.

Nokia 500, Spesification, Price, Review


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