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Smartphone Nokia 808 PureView Price and Specification

Smartphone Nokia 808 PureView Price and Specification

Price  :

Nokia 808 is a variant of Symbian OS that still persist despite Belle symbian era almost lost due to the presence of an Android phone and IOS.

Nokia 808 has set up a super camera. Nokia 808 camera is 41 MP, who was considered so scandalous. It sounds like a joke but it's the fact Nokia 808 carrying 41 MP camera.

Nokia to adopt a 4-inch AMOLED-type 460x640 pixel resolution. Not too bad for Nokia's Symbian OS is still using that Belle has a fairly smooth appearance. And the overall look of the Nokia 808 looks quite attractive and cool.

Keep in mind this is Nokia 808 last Symbian smartphone brought to cling named Belle.


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