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Creator Steve Jobs iPad, iPod, iPhone Has Gone

Steve Jobs
Creator Steve Jobs iPad, iPod, iPhone Has died at the age of 56 years. There was news that he was known to fight against pancreatic cancer and get a liver transplant.

"We are very sad to announce that Steve Jobs died today," said Apple's board of directors.

On page Official Apple and Steve Jobs seems Fhoto If the Click will perform the inscription:
"Apple has lost a creative genius and visionary, and the world lost an extraordinary human being. Those who are fortunate to have known and worked with Steve has lost a good friend and inspiring mentor. Steve left the company that can only be made ​​by it, but his spirit will always be the foundation for Apple. "
Jobs had founded Apple Computer since 1976 and, together with his childhood friend, Steve Wozniak, he sold what was regarded as the world's first personal computer, the Apple II.

Congratulations Steve Jobs Way


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